1343+61 Supernova 1996bk in NGC 5308 AND Fading of 0059+53 Nova Cas 1995 AND 2138+43 SS Cygni in outburst and under observation by RXTE and EUVE AND 0

Active Dates: Oct. 16, 1996 – Oct. 16, 1996


This campaign covers multiple observations including the discovery of Supernova 1996bk in NGC 5308, the fading of Nova Cas 1995, the outburst of SS Cygni and its subsequent observation by RXTE and EUVE satellites, as well as observations of WX Hydri and SS Cygni using the Hubble Space Telescope.


Observing these variable stars and supernovae is crucial for understanding their behaviors, timings of outbursts, and to support concurrent observations by ground and space-based telescopes like RXTE, EUVE, and Hubble.

Requested Data Types:


Name Magnitude Variability Type Photometry Notes Spectroscopy Notes
IRAS 18575-0207 13.80 RCB

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested

Spectroscopy Lines:

No spectroscopy lines provided

Photometry Filters:

V (Johnson)

Comparison Stars:

No comparison stars provided


Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.

Additional Observer Input:

Not provided

Additional Submission Location:

Not provided

Forum URL



Principal Investigator: Janet A. Mattei; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #230)