Alert Notice 276: 1903-57 Supernova 2000cj in NGC 6753 in Pavo AND 1846-01D Probable nova in Aquila = 1846-01 CI Aquilae
Active Dates: May 18, 2000 – May 18, 2000
This campaign details the discovery of the 2000cj supernova in NGC 6753 by Robert O. Evans and the probable recurrent nova in CI Aquilae.
Scientific interest in observing the newly discovered supernova SN 2000cj and monitoring the recurrent nova CI Aql.
Requested Data Types:
Name | Magnitude | Variability Type | Photometry Notes | Spectroscopy Notes |
CI Aql | 8.50 | NR+E |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
SN 2000cj | 14.80 | SN Ia |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
Spectroscopy Lines:
No spectroscopy lines provided
Photometry Filters:
V (Johnson)
Comparison Stars:
No comparison stars provided
Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.
Additional Observer Input:
Not provided
Additional Submission Location:
Not provided
Forum URL
Principal Investigator: Robert O. Evans; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #276)