0659-03 Peculiar variable in Monoceros (Var Mon 02)

Active Dates: Jan. 6, 2002 – Jan. 10, 2002


Nicholas J. Brown discovered a possible nova in Monoceros on January 6.6 UT at about magnitude 10, confirmed visually on January 7.6 UT at magnitude 10.0. The peculiarity of this variable star was observed by various astronomers and its coordinates are R.A. = 07h 04m 04.85s Decl. = -03 degrees 50' 51.1" (2000.0). Preliminary spectra suggest this object might be a peculiar "slow" nova or a post-asymptotic-giant-branch star in flare-up.


The object is in virtually the same location as a red-magnitude 14.3 USNO-A2.0 star, and its spectrum is very complex, not typical of classical novae. Knowledge of the amplitude of the outburst could significantly improve classification.

Requested Data Types:

Spectroscopy, Photometry

Name Magnitude Variability Type Photometry Notes Spectroscopy Notes
R Mon 10.70 UXOR

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Cadence: Not Specified

Resolution: 250

Desired SNR: 100

Spectroscopy Lines:

He I (5876.0 Å), H-alpha (6563.0 Å)

Photometry Filters:

B (Johnson), V (Johnson)

Comparison Stars:

No comparison stars provided


Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.

Additional Observer Input:

Not provided

Additional Submission Location:

Not provided

Forum URL



Principal Investigator: Nicholas J. Brown; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #292)