Alert Notice 375: V576 Carinae
Michael Sallman brought this variable to my attention during a recent Chatroom discussion. The unique variable V576 Car (AUID 000-BFQ-470) is located at: 08:19:15.71 -60:10:00.6 (J2000) (proper motion 136mas/yr in RA and -22mas/yr in Dec, so moving pretty rapidly to the east). A paper by Couch, Lloyd Evans, and Sarre (2003MNRAS.346..153C) indicate that this star is an infrared source (IRAS 08182-6000), and at the time of the paper, had been increasing in brightness for over a decade. They classified it as a post-AGB star surrounded by cool dust. The ASAS light curve supports a continued brightness increase:,asas3,0,0,500,0,0 where it is shown that the star has increased from V=11.8 to its current V=10.2 in about 7 years. This is reminiscent of FG Sge, which also consistently increased in brightness during its fast evolution through the upper part of the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram.
Laszlo Kiss and I would like to initiate a monitoring campaign for this object at all wavelengths. No time series to look for quasi-periodic oscillations have been acquired; no recent spectra are available; no obvious non-photographic deep image is available. We would suggest that a couple of observers do some time series photometry, but everyone keep it on their observing program.
Requested Data Types:
Spectroscopy Lines:
No spectroscopy lines provided
Photometry Filters:
No photometry filters provided
Comparison Stars:
No comparison stars provided
Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.
Additional Observer Input:
Not provided
Additional Submission Location:
Not provided
Forum URL
Principal Investigator: Michael Sallman; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #375)