Monitoring for a planetary transit of HD 80606

Active Dates: Feb. 12, 2009 – Feb. 16, 2009


Dr. Greg Laughlin (Lick Observatory) requests intensive time-series photometry of the possible transiting extrasolar planetary system HD 80606. This system, recently in the news due to the extreme temperatures to be found on the planet, is predicted to reach conjunction on or around HJD 2454876.5 (2009 Feb 14.0 UT), and there is a low but significant probability (<15%) that the system is eclipsing. If it eclipses, the duration of the eclipse may be as long as 17 hours. Observers are requested to perform high-S/N, filtered photometry of this bright star during a window beginning 48 hours before the predicted eclipse and ending 48 hours after.


Due to the long duration of the eclipse, it is unlikely that a single observer will be able to follow the transit from ingress through egress. Therefore, in order to model the eclipse profile, the data of many observers will need to be combined. Because the transit is expected to have low amplitude (on the order of 10 mmag), high-precision photometry of HD 80606 is required, and users are strongly encouraged to fully calibrate and transform their data and perform an extinction correction prior to submission. Doing so will make the process of combining data from different observers far easier.

Requested Data Types:


Spectroscopy Lines:

No spectroscopy lines provided

Photometry Filters:

No photometry filters provided

Comparison Stars:

No comparison stars provided


Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.

Additional Observer Input:

Not provided

Additional Submission Location:

Not provided

Forum URL



Principal Investigator: Dr. Greg Laughlin; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #393)