Outburst of the UGWZ-type dwarf nova EG Cancri

Active Dates: Oct. 12, 2009 – Dec. 31, 2009


The WZ Sge-type dwarf nova EG Cancri has been reported in outburst by Ian Miller (Swansea, Wales). He reported EG Cnc at m(CV) = 14.3 on 2009 October 12.138 (JD 2455116.638). Subsequent unfiltered time series observations by Miller reported to the AAVSO confirm EG Cnc at around magnitude 14.3; the star declined by approximately 0.1 magnitudes during the two-hour span of the time series. Observations of EG Cnc are urgently requested at this time, including visual estimates, CCD photometry, and CCD time-series observations. The last major outburst of EG Cnc occurred in November 1996, and the star exhibited multiple rebrightenings as is observed in the WZ Sge class. The star is currently well below its maximum of 11.4 observed in 1996, and so the current stage of the outburst is unknown. The star recently emerged from solar conjunction in the morning sky; it was observed by Hazel McGee (Guildford, England) on 2009 October 5.466 (JD 2455109.966) and 2009 October 4.4653 (JD 2455108.9653), who reported it at m(CV) < 15.4 on both nights. Prior to this, EG Cnc was last observed on 2009 Jun 15.9312 by Eddy Muyllaert (Oostende, Belgium), who reported it at m(CV) < 16.8. Any observations of this star will help us to determine at what stage this outburst is currently in. As mentioned above, EG Cnc exhibited several well-defined echoes during its 1996-1997 outburst, and observations are encouraged to continue throughout the remainder of 2009 at least. EG Cnc exhibited short-term variability (superhumps) during its last outburst, and so CCD time-series are needed in addition to visual estimates and CCD photometry.


Observations of EG Cnc are urgently requested at this time, including visual estimates, CCD photometry, and CCD time-series observations. Additionally, any observations will help determine the current stage of the outburst, similar to the well-defined echoes during its 1996-1997 outburst.

Requested Data Types:


Name Magnitude Variability Type Photometry Notes Spectroscopy Notes
EG Cnc 11.90 UGWZ

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested

Spectroscopy Lines:

No spectroscopy lines provided

Photometry Filters:

No photometry filters provided

Comparison Stars:

No comparison stars provided


Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.

Additional Observer Input:

Not provided

Additional Submission Location:

Not provided

Forum URL



Principal Investigator: Ian Miller; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #407)