Request for observations of SDSS J080434.20+510349.2 in support of HST observations

Active Dates: Oct. 25, 2011 – Nov. 30, 2011


Dr. Paula Szkody (University of Washington) has requested the help of AAVSO observers in monitoring the WZ Sge-type cataclysmic variable SDSS J080434.20+510349.2 (SDSS0804+51) in support of Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet spectroscopic observations scheduled for 20:52:40 - 23:32:35 2011 November 3 UT (the night of Wednesday, November 2/3) (JD 2455869.36991-.48096). Nightly observations are requested beginning immediately and continuing through November 30. This monitoring is crucial to these observations. This campaign is similar to Dr. Szkody's one on V455 And (see AAVSO Alert Notice 448).


The primary purpose of the monitoring is to know whether SDSS0804+51 is in quiescence; if it is in outburst it will be too bright for the HST instrumentation. The decision whether to go forward with the HST observations will be made the evening of Tuesday, November 1/2, so the nights of October 31/November 1, November 1/2, and 2/3 are the most critical for observations to be reported. Positive visual or V observations are preferred if at all possible, but fainter-than observations below V=14 are useful (<14.0 or fainter). Therefore, nightly observations are sufficient for now; 2-3 observations per night are requested during the nights of October 31/November 1 through November 4/5, after which nightly observations may be resumed.

Requested Data Types:


Spectroscopy Lines:

No spectroscopy lines provided

Photometry Filters:

No photometry filters provided

Comparison Stars:

No comparison stars provided


Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.

Additional Observer Input:

Not provided

Additional Submission Location:

Not provided

Forum URL



Principal Investigator: Dr. Paula Szkody; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #450)