Monitoring of the dwarf nova U Geminorum in support of HST observations
Active Dates: Dec. 22, 2012 – March 7, 2013
Dr. Michael Shara has requested dense coverage of the dwarf nova U Gem in support of HST Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) observations scheduled through February 20, 2013. The AAVSO observations will provide status information to the HST schedulers and aid in the correlation with spectra obtained by HST/COS.
The monitoring will help to determine the dominant energy source in dwarf novae and the physical mechanism of outbursts, which are fundamental concepts not yet fully understood.
Requested Data Types:
Spectroscopy Lines:
No spectroscopy lines provided
Photometry Filters:
No photometry filters provided
Comparison Stars:
No comparison stars provided
Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.
Additional Observer Input:
Not provided
Additional Submission Location:
Not provided
Forum URL
Principal Investigator: Dr. Michael Shara; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #475)