Alert Notice 660: Targets modified for LPV Maser campaign

Active Dates: Oct. 1, 2018 – Oct. 31, 2019


Further to AAVSO Alert Notice 645, Michael Stroh informs that two of the VLA targets on his list of 19 long period variables for his SiO maser study have been removed and two others added.


We believe that the strengths of the SiO maser lines we observe at 43 GHz in the radio are correlated with the phase of the stars in our sample and may allow us to probe the density in the stellar envelopes.

Requested Data Types:


Name Magnitude Variability Type Photometry Notes Spectroscopy Notes
R Cyg 6.10 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
R Cas 4.70 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
TY Cas 10.10 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
FI Per 12.90 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
SY Mon 7.00 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
FX Mon 10.20 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
NSVS 12572573 13.50 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
R Vul 7.00 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
RT Aql 7.60 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
SX Cyg 8.20 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
AU Cyg 8.20 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
V1655 Cyg 12.00 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
NSVS J2041274+511326 14.20 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
DR Cyg 8.70 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
W Cep 7.02 SRC

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
AL Cep 9.90 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
VX Cep 10.40 M

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested
BMAM-V657 13.48 EA/RS

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested

Spectroscopy Lines:

No spectroscopy lines provided

Photometry Filters:

No photometry filters provided

Comparison Stars:

No comparison stars provided


Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.

Additional Observer Input:

Not provided

Additional Submission Location:

Not provided

Forum URL



Principal Investigator: Michael Stroh; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #660)