Alert Notice 728: V510 Ori coverage needed for HST observations
Further to AAVSO Alert Notice 725, Dr. Fred Walter (Stony Brook University) informs us that the T Tau star V510 Ori, one of the targets in his campaign on Northern T Tauri stars, will be re-observed with the Hubble Space Telescope on 12 February 2021 06:03 - 13:28 UT. Observers are requested to resume observations of this star and continue obtaining a few observations per night from now through February 15. The focus is on using standard broadband filters B, V, Ic; Rc and U are also useful. Visual observations are welcome.
Re-observation with the Hubble Space Telescope necessitates observations through February 15.
Requested Data Types:
Name | Magnitude | Variability Type | Photometry Notes | Spectroscopy Notes |
R Ori | 9.05 | M |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
Spectroscopy Lines:
No spectroscopy lines provided
Photometry Filters:
No photometry filters provided
Comparison Stars:
No comparison stars provided
Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.
Additional Observer Input:
Not provided
Additional Submission Location:
Not provided
Forum URL
Principal Investigator: Dr. Fred Walter; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #728)