Monitoring requested for 12 dwarf novae in support of HST observations in 2022-2023
Active Dates: Oct. 1, 2022 – Sept. 30, 2023
Drs. Anna Francesca Pala (European Space Agency, ESAC, Spain) and Thomas Kupfer (Texas Tech University), on behalf of a large consortium of astronomers, have requested AAVSO observers' assistance in monitoring 12 dwarf nova cataclysmic variables in support of observations with the Hubble Space Telescope. Coverage is requested to begin immediately and continue through September 2023.
In the last 20 years, the study of compact interacting binaries has led to two major breakthroughs in astrophysics: the discovery of dark energy and the first detection of gravitational waves. Although binaries are critically important to probe the properties of the Universe and to test fundamental physical theories, our understanding of their evolution and final fate is still far from being complete. Accreting white dwarfs are ideal laboratories in which to test the models of compact binary evolution.
Requested Data Types:
Name | Magnitude | Variability Type | Photometry Notes | Spectroscopy Notes |
LL Lyr | 12.90 | UG |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
ASASSN-18dg | 15.50 | UGSU/IBWD+E |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
SDSS J080449.49+161624.8 | 17.80 | IBWD |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
CH UMa | 10.70 | UG |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
GP Com | 15.70 | IBWD |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
ZTF18acxhphf | 18.40 | IBWD+E |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
BMAM-V479 | 18.50 | EB |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
SSS 100511:061754-362655 | 14.20 | UG |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
SDSS J161909.10+135145.5 | 15.20 | UGZ |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
HP Lib | 13.55 | IBWD+ZZB: |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
V1082 Sgr | 13.40 | DQ: |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
V0635 Lyr | 14.40 | EA/SD |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
Spectroscopy Lines:
No spectroscopy lines provided
Photometry Filters:
No photometry filters provided
Comparison Stars:
No comparison stars provided
Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.
Additional Observer Input:
Not provided
Additional Submission Location:
Not provided
Forum URL
Principal Investigator: Dr. Anna Francesca Pala and Dr. Thomas Kupfer; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #796)