AB Aur coverage needed now for HST observations this week

Active Dates: Feb. 20, 2024 – March 15, 2024


Observations of the bright (6.9-8.4V) young, accreting A0 Herbig Ae star, AB Aur, have been scheduled with the Hubble Space Telescope on 2024 February 21 - 22. Photometry is requested during this period, especially focusing on February 20 - 23, and continuing coverage through at least mid-March.


A positive V magnitude is required 24 hours before the scheduled time of observations for final approval of the HST observations.

Requested Data Types:


Name Magnitude Variability Type Photometry Notes Spectroscopy Notes
AB Aur 6.90 UXOR/ROT

Cadence: Not Specified

Precision: 100

Not Requested

Spectroscopy Lines:

No spectroscopy lines provided

Photometry Filters:

B (Johnson), V (Johnson)

Comparison Stars:

No comparison stars provided


Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.

Additional Observer Input:

Not provided

Additional Submission Location:

Not provided

Forum URL



Principal Investigator: Dr. Lauren Biddle; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #852)