Natural language, jd, or utc format.
Natural language, jd, or utc format.
Natural language, jd, or utc format.
Natural language, jd, or utc format.
# Title Status Researcher Start date End date Requested data types
740 Nova in Scorpius: V1710 Sco = N Sco 2021 = ASASSN-21fh = PNV J17091000-3730500 Concluded AAVSO 2021-04-12 (UTC) 2021-04-14 (UTC) Photometry, Spectroscopy
737 HST Observing Schedule for TW Hya - Final Set of Observations Archived AAVSO 2021-04-05 (UTC) 2021-04-15 (UTC) Photometry
738 R Aqr monitoring needed in support of Chandra and HST observations Active AAVSO 2021-04-05 (UTC) Ongoing Spectroscopy, Photometry
739 Nova in Sagittarius: N Sgr 2021 No. 2 Active AAVSO 2021-04-04 (UTC) Ongoing Spectroscopy, Photometry
741 Southern T Tau Stars campaign in support of HST and TESS observations Archived AAVSO 2021-04-01 (UTC) 2021-06-30 (UTC) Photometry
736 Nova in Sagittarius: V6594 Sgr = N Sgr 2021 = TCP J18490521-1902054 = ASASSN-21eh Concluded AAVSO 2021-03-25 (UTC) 2021-03-30 (UTC) Photometry, Spectroscopy
734 HM Sge monitoring needed for HST and SOFIA observations Concluded AAVSO 2021-03-21 (UTC) 2021-04-14 (UTC) Photometry
735 Nova in Cassiopeia: N Cas 2021 Active AAVSO 2021-03-19 (UTC) Ongoing Spectroscopy, Photometry
733 HST observing schedule for TW Hya Archived AAVSO 2021-03-09 (UTC) 2021-03-18 (UTC) Photometry
731 Monitoring needed for TW Hya for HST and TESS observations Archived AAVSO 2021-03-01 (UTC) 2021-04-05 (UTC) Photometry