Natural language, jd, or utc format.
Natural language, jd, or utc format.
Natural language, jd, or utc format.
Natural language, jd, or utc format.
# Title Status Researcher Start date End date Requested data types
511 Monitoring requested for developing planetary systems dust production study Archived AAVSO 2015-03-13 (UTC) 2017-12-31 (UTC) Photometry
515 SN 2015F in NGC 2442 (PSN J07361576-6930230) Archived AAVSO 2015-03-09 (UTC) 2015-03-31 (UTC) Photometry
510 Alert Notice 510: Observations of the symbiotic nova ASAS J174600-2321.3 Archived AAVSO 2015-03-05 (UTC) 2015-07-31 (UTC) Photometry, Spectroscopy
508 Alert Notice 508: Nova Scorpii 2015 == PNV J17032620-3504140 [V1535 Sco] Archived AAVSO 2015-02-11 (UTC) 2015-02-17 (UTC) Photometry, Spectroscopy
507 Observations of the eclipsing binary b Persei Archived AAVSO 2015-01-05 (UTC) 2015-01-17 (UTC) Photometry
727 Chandra observations taking place for RW Aur Concluded AAVSO 2015-01-01 (UTC) 2022-12-31 (UTC) Photometry
506 Alpha Com eclipse observing campaign Archived AAVSO 2014-12-05 (UTC) 2015-01-25 (UTC) Photometry
505 Monitoring of Northern dwarf novae for radio jets Archived AAVSO 2014-10-24 (UTC) 2015-09-30 (UTC) Photometry
504 Epsilon Aur monitoring during predicted pulsation phase Archived AAVSO 2014-09-17 (UTC) 2021-04-17 (UTC) Photometry
503 Request for regular monitoring of the symbiotic variable RT Cru Active AAVSO 2014-08-06 (UTC) 2027-08-31 (UTC) Photometry