Natural language, jd, or utc format.
Natural language, jd, or utc format.
Natural language, jd, or utc format.
Natural language, jd, or utc format.
# Title Status Researcher Start date End date Requested data types
316 Nova in Sagittarius = V5115 Sgr (=N Sgr 05) Archived AAVSO 2005-03-28 (UTC) 2005-03-30 (UTC) Photometry
315 Nova Nor 2005 [V382 Nor] Archived AAVSO 2005-03-13 (UTC) 2005-03-20 (UTC) Photometry, Spectroscopy
314 Possible nova in Pyxis - 0914-29 N Pyx 05 [DT Pyx, not a nova but UGSU] AND New probable CV - 0523+62 RXSJ053234 (Bernhard01) AND Follow-up on request Archived AAVSO 2005-02-20 (UTC) 2005-03-16 (UTC) Photometry
311 AAVSO Alert Notice 311: 0505-68 YY Dor - Possible recurrent nova AND 2247-14 IL Aqr - Exoplanet transit campaign Archived AAVSO 2004-10-20 (UTC) 2004-10-23 (UTC) Photometry
309 FUSE satellite observations scheduled for 0409-71 VW Hyi AND Outburst of 2328+48 Z And Archived AAVSO 2004-07-27 (UTC) 2004-09-15 (UTC) Photometry
307 1706-30 Nova Scorpii 2004 Archived AAVSO 2004-07-03 (UTC) 2004-07-06 (UTC) Spectroscopy, Photometry
308 0409-71 VW Hyh in Outburst - Update on Request for Monitoring Archived AAVSO 2004-07-01 (UTC) 2004-08-17 (UTC) Photometry
306 Possible new variable in Hercules - 1835+25 Var Her 04 [V1108 Her] AND Update on request for monitoring of 0409-71 VW Hyi Archived AAVSO 2004-06-22 (UTC) 2004-08-31 (UTC) Spectroscopy, Photometry
305 Request for monitoring of the SU UMa-type cataclysmic variable 0409-71 VW Hydri Archived AAVSO 2004-06-01 (UTC) 2004-09-30 (UTC) Photometry
304 1732-23 Nova Ophiuchi 2004 - possible nova in Ophiuchus Archived AAVSO 2004-04-15 (UTC) 2004-04-15 (UTC) Photometry