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# Title Status Researcher Start date End date Requested data types
202 Nova Centauri 1995 AND SN 1995G in NGC 1643 AND SN 1995F in NGC 2726 AND Nova Aquilae 1995 AND Nova Circini 1995 AND Astro-2 is launched Archived AAVSO 1995-02-23 (UTC) 1995-02-27 (UTC) Spectroscopy, Photometry
197 Observations of cataclysmic variables for Astro-2, EUVE, Voyager, and ASCA satellites AND Reminder regarding outburst of 0749+22 U Gem Archived AAVSO 1995-02-13 (UTC) 1995-03-17 (UTC) Photometry
198 1436-63 Nova Circini 1995 Archived AAVSO 1995-01-27 (UTC) 1995-01-30 (UTC) Spectroscopy, Photometry
196 Outburst of 2110+13 EF Pegasi AND Request to monitor some Hipparacos red variables for photometric calibration Archived AAVSO 1995-01-12 (UTC) 1995-02-28 (UTC) Spectroscopy, Photometry
195 Alert Notice 195: Symbiotic stars AND Cataclysmic variables AND 1510+83 Z Ursae Minoris Archived AAVSO 1994-11-23 (UTC) 1994-12-23 (UTC) Photometry
191 Rare outburst of UZ Boo Archived AAVSO 1994-08-17 (UTC) 1994-08-18 (UTC) Photometry
189 1157+62 Supernova 1994W in NGC 4041 Archived AAVSO 1994-07-29 (UTC) 1994-08-31 (UTC) Photometry
187 1729-19 Nova Ophiuchi 1994 [V2313 Oph] AND Outburst of TV Corvi AND Bright outburst of UV Persei - correction and update Archived AAVSO 1994-06-01 (UTC) 1994-06-03 (UTC) Photometry
188 Outburst of old nova LQ Sgr and Nova Oph 1994 Archived AAVSO 1994-06-01 (UTC) 1994-07-14 (UTC) Photometry
185 Nova Sgr 1994 Number 2 [V4362 Sgr] Archived AAVSO 1994-05-20 (UTC) 1994-05-24 (UTC) Spectroscopy, Photometry