Start date (after)
Start date (before)
End date (after)
End date (before)
# Title Status Researcher Start date End date Requested data types
158 Supernova in NGC 4411B AND Successful launch of NASA's Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer and detection of first light Archived AAVSO 1992-07-01 (UTC) 1992-07-02 (UTC) Photometry, Spectroscopy
157 Alert Notice 157: 1700-43 Probable Nova in Scorpius AND 2027+52 Nova Cygni 1992 AND Data support for satellite observations of cataclysmic variables Archived AAVSO 1992-05-28 (UTC) 1993-01-31 (UTC) Photometry
155 Nova Cygni 1992 [V1974 Cyg] AND Nova Sagittarii 1992 [V4157 Sgr] AND Supernova 1992G in NGC 3294 AND Predicted eclipse of the very long period eclipsi Archived AAVSO 1992-02-20 (UTC) 1992-03-09 (UTC) Photometry
156 Alert Notice 156: 2027+52 Nova Cygni 1992 AND 0807-34 Nova Puppis 1991 AND Updates on Rare Dwarf Novae Outbursts AND Participation in Monitoring Catac Archived AAVSO 1992-02-01 (UTC) 1992-04-16 (UTC) Photometry
153 Alert Notice 153: Supernova in NGC 1380 AND Nova Pup 1991 [V351 Pup] Archived AAVSO 1992-01-11 (UTC) 1992-01-14 (UTC) Photometry
152 Nova Puppis 1991 [V351 Pup] Archived AAVSO 1991-12-27 (UTC) 1992-01-06 (UTC) Photometry
151 Superoutburst of 0203+56A UV Persei AND Superoutburst of 0803+62 SU Ursae Majoris AND Supernova in NGC 4374 [SN 1991bg] Archived AAVSO 1991-12-24 (UTC) 1991-12-29 (UTC) Photometry, Spectroscopy
149 Alert Notice 149: Outburst of 1825-29 V1017 Sagittarii AND 1834-23 V348 Sagittarii AND Fading of 1808-29 VZ Sagittarii AND Acknowledgements and remind Archived AAVSO 1991-10-01 (UTC) 1991-10-01 (UTC) Photometry
148 Nova Scuti 1991 AND Request to monitor dwarf novae for IUE observing runs Archived AAVSO 1991-08-30 (UTC) 1991-09-17 (UTC) Photometry
146 Special multiwavelength monitoring of 0201+14 TT Arietis Archived AAVSO 1991-08-01 (UTC) 1991-08-02 (UTC) Photometry